My journey through balancing my world with my amazing husband, 5 wild boys, and running for MY life 1 mile at a time!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

You want to be what?!.. A Runner!...YOU?! ....YES ME!...Ok Here it goes!

Where to start?! My life is crazy, busy, and some days down right NUTS! When my husband and I decided 11 years ago that I would be a stay at home mom, we never dreamed of ALL this.  We knew God had a plan for everyone and BOY did he have a plan for us.  Fast forward now 11 years later.  Here we are living God's plan for us with loving each other for 12 years, with 1 mortgage, 5 boys, and 1 full time job feeding and clothing 7 people.

Over the summer my neighbor and I started walking together 2 nights a week .   Our goal was to lose some baby weight (sadly her baby was just a few months old and mine well...umm.. was 14 months old) and vent about balancing our lives being loving moms, awesome wives, "there for you" kind of friends, all while maintaining a(some what) sane sense of who we are as women. Our pace was definitely nothing to write home about (18 minute pace) However before I knew it our walks began picking up speed, the venting was being replaced by Ipods (mostly to drown out the sounds of my grasping for air like I am being tortured in some mafia style hazing breathing)  I was quickly second guessing if  could keep up with my amazing at everything friend. Racing through my list of friends I could continue wogging with when Breanne got to fast for me!  However she walked when I walked and wogged (walk jogged) while I wogged.  Sticking with me every step.  We were averaging 2.3 miles each time and slowly but surely we started jogging and getting faster. Most nights my mind was racing with  fat girls don't run,what am I thinking, how do I get yourself into these situations, here you go again Nikki biting off more than you can chew! But like everything in my life i decided if you are going to do it Nikki your going to do it with your heart and not let your mind defeat you.   My world is actually full of runners, good runners! Like I am taking home medals runners! My brother Josh runs He does wicked stupid distants in crazy conditions, my dear friend Cara runs.  She is a lover of running not just for the medal but for the shear joy of running (yes I mean like a happy runner!), My Soul 2 Sole buddy Jamie runs, She is bank of running knowledge! (and not just because she is married to a Ultra runner) and my list can go on but I will save you the profiles.  In August I decided to share my secret with these amazing people.... I too wanted to be a runner.. In everyday America I am the average size girl but in the "runners" world I am a phat girl! 

I would text my times, distances, and ask tons of questions to my buddies about their passion,  still going two nights a week, still with Breanne (goal one check! I have lasted 2 months without her ditching me for a faster buddy, although Breanne is not the ditching type) and now struggling through now being able to run "A" as in just one! without stopping.  September came quickly and it was time to step it up a bit.  I shared with Cara that my goal was to RUN a 10k! She and Jamie quickly made me a plan (probably knowing I just meant change my mind) September 19th I started my training plan.  It would be just 2 miles (adding a mile every 2 weeks), 3 days a week, starting pace of 13:30 (wasn't there yet), and (2) 5k's before my first 10k Nov 11th with a goal time of 1hr 10mins ( yep that's 11:30 pace more than 2 mins per miles faster HA!)  My first 5k was Oct 1st, I didn't sleep the night before I had all my stuff laid out, drank lots of water, planned out what I would eat (even though I was so nervous I thought I would throw it up) and made my way to Culter Park with Breanne where we were meeting Cara and Jamie.  They would be running it with us.  I had no goal goal was plain and simple to was just finish it.  (without dying).  As I looked around the park it was filled with itty bitty runners.  I felt a bit out of place.  I also started getting concerned as to where in the world would they have us be running.  I did all my"training' on the street, actually the same route every time I "wogged" ( first mistake) this path looked like all grass to me?!? I slightly freaked out inside.  As they called the runners to the start, we made our way towards the back. (again the goal was not to die whether by being trampled by real runners or because I just simply passed out.)  and we were off! Breanne, Cara, Jamie and I chugging through this course.  About a half a mile in I realized my first mistake, I was to routine in my runs, I knew by the markers where I was and not by how my body felt.. it was easy to talk myself into making it to the next check point while doing my routine.  We finally made it to mile 1 yes i said finally! This soggy wet grass was kicking this phat girls butt! Hitting mile 2 my niece, nephew and brother were there cheering me. A quick hug from my niece and we were going again.  Remember that hazing breathing!?! it was back, the thought of passing out seemed like it would be the sweet relief I needed to get out of the last mile.  As I looked around me I saw three fabulous women who knew I could do this, who believed in me when I wanted to quit, who believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself and I am not just talking in the running world.  I had to push pass my thoughts of I cant and think I can!  Coming around the corner to see my husband and 5 boys standing here cheering me on what THE best.  My 4 oldest ran up to me holding my hand, jumping on Cara's back and cheering for us.  As I crossed the finish line at just over 35 mins.  So much was running through my mind.  It was hard to grasp just what I had done.. Hugs, cheers and excitement were every where.  I had a great group of supporters.  Who knew my struggles not just as a wogger but in my life.  We made our way home and my first stop was the shower.  I smelled like a teenage boys gym sock that had been sealed in a bag in a hot car!  Staying there replaying the whole morning I started crying, I did it! I had to walk some of it but I finished! I wasn't dead or dreaming! I had really finished! I started to think maybe Phat girls can run?!? 

The weeks went by I started seeing a trainer once a week while keeping to my 3 days a week of now jogging.  I soon was able to go 2 miles without stopping, once even doing 3 miles without stopping, and doing one of my weekly runs with my 8 and 6 year old on their bikes and my 11 year old going along with me.  My next 5k was Oct 29th the Spooky Sprint.  Cara and I bought these cute tutu and made shirts ( if you know me you know it wouldn't of been long before I was blinging out running..  ) Breanne, Cara and I crossed the finish line in 32:39.  but best of all we ran the whole way without stopping!  (goal 2 CHECK) It felt great! my legs felt like grandma's jello salad but I did it with the continue help and support for my fabulous husband, wonderful family an friends  The following day it hit me I had just 12 short days until my goal! That was to RUN a 10k! and keep the same pace for ANOTHER 3 MILES! Yeah Right!!  Breanne and I stuck to the plan, I pushed through it (mostly because I watched how easy these runs looked for her and I was not going to slow her down anymore) I did 5 miles just one time the week before my 10k and you know what I am here to write about... When did this phat girl that sweated like a glass of ice tea in the July sun while walking, become the same sweaty mess but making it 5 miles?!?  One more "short" run (4miles) and one training session was between me and the 10k... Having never gone farther than 5 miles 6 miles seemed crazy at this point BUT I wasn't nervous this time...(as a matter of fact I signed up for my first half just days before my 10k... I told you when I do something I do it whole heartedly!) The distance didn't scare me anymore, it was wanting to do those miles well.  I had to remind myself that anytime i finished in was better than no time at all.  Even if I couldn't make my goal this time I would finish it.  Breanne helped bling us out for the Porterville Veterans Day 10k 11-11-11...Very fitting race considering we all love the Vet's in our lives and we were moms to all boys (9 boys total)..... Cara told me in all my years of running I have only made shirts or "dressed up" a handful of times and in 3 runs with you we have dressed up two of them HA) The backs of our shirts read "Freedom isn't Free" (we also sported red and white striped arm sleeves with blue flowers Breanne made with a rhinestone in the middle of the  flowers cute right?!?) It was freezing before the race started, sprinkling on and off soon that become they best running conditions...6:55 came and they called us to the starting line  (this time we were in the middle!) all 5 and 10k runners lined up.   They explained the course one more time. I was super excited because it was all on the street and it looked fairly easy.   7am the gun sound ring and we were off down main street.  As the 5k runners started towards their first turn and I felt proud that I was in the 10k group... Until I looked up and saw that street was going up! WHAT a incline! IN PORTERVILLE!?  Guess I had a idea of what Porterville was like and it surely didn't include the street going up! My gps stopped working at mile.28 and I was lost without, (still hadn't change that first mistake of running the same routine and knowing markers and not how my body feels) Coming around our first turn I looked down the street and saw it going up AGAIN! Who know Porterville went up so much?! I thought oh no! this is nuts! If someone offered me a ride at that point I might of kissed them and jumped in!  I started to slow down, I was feeling defeated.  My slow run become a walk, Breanne and Cara slowed down with me and at that very second  my mind was racing with oh NO NO NO! I cant do this! I didn't sign up for up! I signed up for straight down main street run...Just then Cara's mom sent her a text that said RUN NIKKI RUN! She was right i should be running.. So I ran again, pushing through the pain, sweat and thoughts of phat girls shouldn't be running! mile 3 came and went and soon I started to feel OK!  I could do this! The saying if you can run 3 you can run 6 seemed to make sense. Its like a numb feeling, it didn't hurt anymore, a very forest gump feeling, like I could finish the next 3 miles and well.  I had two of the best girls by my side, so many supporters and I was strong enough to do this.  I drowned myself in music and at one point looking up at Breanne in front of me reading the back of her shirt for the 100th time and it came to be that freedom isn't free. Not the freedom we have as Americans or in our health... Its a lotof hard work but the ultimate goal is worth it.  The last mile was hard, but at that point how could I stop and walk?!?  I had already made it this far... The finish line was in sight, I felt a bit sad because my I could of swore that clock said 1:19mins but as we got closer and I could see better I saw it actually said 1:04.. We crossed the finish line in 1hr 4 mins and 49 seconds! Almost 5 mins faster than my goal!  I HAD DID IT!! PHAT GIRLS CAN RUN TOO!

This is my story as a 30 year old , wife, mom to 5,  running virgin! My goal to inspire others to Walk, Jog, Run, to have balance with meeting that goal while maintaining a house a home, and to get all the Phat girls who think they cant run to get out there prove themselves wrong. 

This my journey RUNNING FOR MY LIFE!

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