My journey through balancing my world with my amazing husband, 5 wild boys, and running for MY life 1 mile at a time!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Skinny girls must eat cupcakes in front of their kids.. If you need me I will be in the laundry room!

In my quest to be healthier I took all the food that calls me by name and hide them in the laundry room.. Out of sight out of mind. Right!?! Well for the most part. I was starting a load of clothes when I looked up in the cabinets and empty boxes were falling out of the cabinets.. Dang it I hate when my boys leave empty boxes in the cabinets. I grabbed the box and ONE just ONE cupcake fell out.. Hmm! It would be wrong to leave that cupcake in the cabinet alone with all those other healthy lunch snacks.. No telling what or who would eat up that cupcake. With no one watching I opened the cupcake and just as I started to take a bite Beau comes in

Beau- "mommy what doing?" ( are you kidding me? Its like he has a sixth sense)

I hide the cupcake (yes I hide the cupcake in hopes of not sharing it with my two year old)

Me-"Nothing Beau why?"

Beau- "mommy you got cupcake? Beau wants cupcake too"

Me- "nope no cupcake"


Me- NO BEAU now go find Wesley..

What is this crap!?! Why doesnt someone warn you as a mom nothing is ever just yours! Not your coffee, food, or hell even your time in the shower. I know what a priest feels like now that I have kids the second I get in the shower someone comes in with something to confess, something ridicules to ask, or has someone they just have to tattle on! And there I am stuck in a box listening to all their crap and I dont even have chose.. Sure I could open the door an yell at them and scare them to death and possibly make them blind but that would just be one more thing I would have to deal with when I got out. Oh right cupcakes! Back to the cupcakes!

(Wesley of course comes running!)

Beau- FESLEY mama got cupcake ( what is this? Are you freaking kidding me?)

Wesley- ME ME!!

Me- Fine! Here you can have some.. But not the top
(I break off a tiny piece for them)

Beau- NO mama!! That! (pointing to the top)

Me- No Beau that's mama's part

Beau- No Beaus part!

Me- FINE...I didn't want the now sweaty cupcake anyways!

Beau- thank you mama!

Me- yeah!

I get it now... Skinny chicks must eat cupcakes in front of kids!

(side note when Ethan got home he said WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LAST CUPCAKE!?! I was going to eat it!! I yelled I FREAKEN WAS TO ETHAN! )

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